I paid attention. Well, not really. I did pay attention when I got to take college classes my senior year though. Luckily one of those classes was government. I learned a very important lesson that semester. If your political party loses an election, you are then required to act as part of the loyal opposition. You aren't the losing side, or the degraded outsiders, you're still part of the team. You still get to play in the game. And you get to attend the after parties even if you aren't as excited to be there. I thought, and still think, that it's one of the more beautiful concepts our government has to offer. Just think about it. You're free to express your opinion, (within limits of course, no one likes Debbie Downer for a reason, and that's part of the deal) but you are expected to man up and be a part of the whole. I really like that. Everyone knows that with every freedom comes a greater responsibility, well, at least, everyone should know this fact. I know that isn't always the case.
Especially in Rush Limbaugh's case. He clearly missed out on a few very important pointers for life. For starters, it's very clear that his parents forgot to mention that just because they didn't give him a real name, and instead picked out a verb, he's not exempt from the common societal niceties. Yeah, I know, asking a lot here.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/26/limbaugh-i-hope-sotomayor_n_207690.html
Who says those kinds of things? And don't say, "Rush Limbaugh does," because that's not an acceptable answer. Establishing yourself with a history as a vile word vomiter does not give you any rights to continue to act as one. It's like my mother taught me, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." Rush, go back to high school government and learn about loyal opposition. It's not that hard a concept, but it's incredible when put into practice. Individuals like Limbaugh are one reason we have problems working together as a country. If time machines are ever invented, I hope they send him back to the founding fathers for a royal fanny whooping!
Haha ohhhh rush!! LOVE you Hackey!