Monday, May 04, 2009

First Entry

So I've been thinking about this whole "blog" thing for a while now and have obviously decided to start one. We'll see how well I manage. I do have quite a few opinions as well as the desire to express said opinions, so I think perhaps a blog could be a good thing. Personally I have always thought the concept of blogs were kind of silly because of the whole "online diary" aspect that so many people use them for. I'm not really into that. If I wanted to tell the world my most intimate thoughts and details I'd either get on PostSecret (also a load of crap) or I'd tell my friends (not crap). But now blogs have come very full circle and are being used as a whole new means of social media and I like that, I like that a lot.

So there you have it, my very first opinion. Huh, I didn't even try. Maybe this blog thing will be easier than I had previously thought!

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