Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yesterday I read several news articles regarding the discovery of the 47-million-year-old fossil that has been named, "Ida." If you haven't heard about it, Ida might be the "missing link" between humans and apes. Check it out:

My point? Well, while I think this is really cool, and has some great potential as far as science is concerned, I don't think it's anything to get your panties in a knot over, which is exactly what a ton of people were doing in the comments section of every online article I read yesterday.

Creationists vs. Evolutionists. Seriously kids, it's like the AM kindergarten and the PM kindergarten. Why is it so hard to play together? And why are the kids that go to both the AM and PM classes always ostracised because they haven't picked a side? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just a happy person. I like it when the sun shines.

To all the Creationists out there: Do not use religion to back your story up. For every religious story/myth/history, there is another one somewhere else in the world to contradict/debunk/discredit it. You are not the final authority. There is not existing original source material. Open up your mind and shut your mouth.

To all the Evolutionists out there: Do not use science to back your story up. For every scientific fact/theory/principle, there is another one somewhere else in the world to contradict/debunk/discredit it. I'm talking big science here. I'm not talking about things like 2+2=4. That is, and hopefully always will be, true. Open up your mind and shut your mouth.

Are we back to my point? I guess we are. My point is that no one knows. Actually knows the truth. We probably won't ever know the truth, not really. I don't have a problem with that either. I don't play for either team in this argument, I don't think it's important to pick a side here.

One person online was arguing that everyone should give up religion because there's no way to prove it and that [he thinks] we're all just going to rot once we die so he didn't see the point in living for a belief. I would argue that the world would be a better place if everyone lived for a belief system because if you believe in some kind of eternity, there's a sense of ultimate responsibility. You are all of a sudden accountable for your actions on a higher level. Are you holding yourself accountable? Ultimately, yes. But you're doing it because you believe there's a higher power that will hold you to the same standard, if not to a higher one, later, and with greater consequences. It makes me think of those WWJD? bracelets we used to wear in middle school. If everyone based their decisions on some religious scale (I'm not saying you have to choose the WWJD? scale) the world would be a better place. If everyone lived their lives with the idea that you just died and that was it, well, then what would we have to live for? There's no hope in that concept.

Like I said, maybe I just like the sunshine.

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